4th Summer School 2009

The 4th SOLAS Summer School took place from 3 to 15 August 2009 at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France. Overall, 71 PhD students and early career scientists from 24 countries attended the School in 2009.


The 4th SOLAS Summer School was heldfrom 3 to 14 August 2009, once again at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse on the West coast of the French island of Corsica. Organised by the SOLAS International Project Office and coordinated by Véronique Garçon, the school welcomed 71 PhD students and early career scientists from 24 countries from a wide range of scientific backgrounds, covering all of the SOLAS topics.
The Summer School offered young researchers the opportunity to expand their knowledge of all aspects of SOLAS science and to create and strenghten future collaborations with SOLAS scientists from around the world.


The below documents of the 4th SOLAS Summer School are available for download:
Summer School 2009 - Flyer
Summer School 2009 - Programme
Download the SOLAS Newsletter Issue 10

Isabelle Ansorge Phil Nightingale
Laurent Bopp Uli Platt
Phil Boyd Andy Ridgwell
Minhan Dai Eric Saltzman
Véronique Garçon Shubha Sathyendranath
Hermann Held Osvaldo Ulloa
Corinne Le Quéré Doug Wallace
Peter Liss  


Bàrbara Franco Rodolphe Paris Monique Albert Matthew Ashfold
Tristan Sasse Anna Dammschäuser Katherine Baer Rachael Beale
Roberto Antonio de Almeida Annette Kock David Ivor Weller Johanna Gloel
Valéria Prando Carolin Löscher Nsikak Benson Andrew Mogg
Karina Giesbrecht Kerstin Richter Helene Frigstad John Prytherch
Amandine Lapoussière Elizabeth Sweet Siv Kari Lauvset Marvin Shaw
Jessie Motard-Côté Scarlett Trimborn Anna Silyakova Zongbo Shi
Yilun Jiang Cathleen Schlundt Georgeta-Jeni Vasilescu Philip Wilson
Zong-Pei Jiang Tamoghna Acharyya Brett Kuyper Randelle Bundy
Gong Xiang Vineet Goswami Susana Flecha Saura Sophie Clayton
Aiqin Han Anuradha Modi Cristóbal Galbán Wiley Evans
Jinhui Wang Amit Sarkar Maria Huete-Ortega Amanda Fay
Nayrah Shaltout Merry Zacharias Sergio Ruiz-Halpern Paul Hezel
Rose Campbell Yael Amitai Olivier Eugster Robert Letscher
Marie Cheize Daniel Carlson Claudine Hauri Deirdre Lockwood
Carolina Dufour Yoko Iwamoto Kay Steinkamp Philip Orton
Joseph Erbland Jen Nie Lee Özgür Gürses Mingxi Yang
Zi Yuan Hu Abdelaziz Babqiqi Fatih Sert  

Best poster winners

  • Scarlett Trimborn
  • Philip Orton
  • Joseph Erbland
  • Marie Cheize
  • Carolin Löscher
  • Johanna Gloël
  • Vineet Goswami
  • Zongbo Shi

As in previous SOLAS Summer Schools, poster sessions were held during which the students were judged on both the quality of their poster and their ability to present and discuss their results. The standard was particularly high this year and the choice was difficult, thus the judges decided to award 8 prizes.


Best oral presentation - student's vote winners

  • Scarlett Trimborn
  • Nsikak Benson - best improvement winner*
  • Karina Giesbrecht
  • Merry Zacharias
  • Phil Wilson
  • Ziyuan Hu

Best oral presentation - lecturer's vote winners

  • Elizabeth Sweet
  • John Prytherch
  • Kerstin E. Richter

* Summer School oral presentations: The students were also asked to give a 4-min presentation about their research. They were given the opportunity to practice their presentations during a workshop and were given feedback by the workshop coordinators, which helped them to improve their presentations, taking into account the advice they had been given. Prizes were awarded to the best presentations, as judged by both fellow students and lectures. In addition, a prize was given to the student who demonstrated the best improvement.


Impressions of the 4th SOLA Summer School 2009 which took place in Cargèse, Corsica, France. Visit also the SOLAS Flickr account to see more pictures of SOLAS events and SOLAS-related research.

