5th Summer School 2011

The 5th SOLAS Summer School took place from 29 August to 10 September 2011 at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse, Corsica, France. Overall, 71 PhD students and early career scientists from 24 countries attended the School in 2011.


The SOLAS 5th Summer School was held at the Institut d'Etudes Scientifiques de Cargèse on the French island of Corsica. Organised and run by Véronique Garçon, and the SOLAS International Project Office. The 5th SOLAS Summer School welcomed 72 PhD students and early career scientists from 25 countries with a wide range of scientific expertise and experience, covering all of the SOLAS scientific areas.
The Summer School offered the opportunity to expand and develop knowledge on all aspects of SOLAS science and to meet and strenghten future collaboration with others from around the world researching SOLAS-related topics.


The below documents of the 5th SOLAS Summer School are available for download:
Summer School 2011 - Flyer
Summer School 2011 - Programme
Summer School 2011 - Handbook
Download the SOLAS Newsletter Issue 14
AGU Bookshelf - Eos interview with Corinne Le Quéré

Carole Barus Corinne Le Quere
Rachael Beale Maurice Levasseur
Mike Behrenfeld Peter Liss
Laurent Bopp KK Liu
Phil Boyd Phil Nightingale
Andrew Dickson Aurelien Paulmier
Lionel Fichen Alberto Piola
Eric Galbraith Eric Saltzman
Veronique Garcon Lionel Scouarnec
Martin Johnson Roland von Glasow
Maria Kanakidou Juergen Weichselgartner
Phyllis Lam  
Ekin Akoglu Luisa Galgani Chengxuan Li
Winifred Anake Virginie Galindo Chun Chui Lien
Oliver Andrews Marisol Garcia-Reyes Hua Lin
Stephen Andrews Erick Geiger Joseph Majkut
Iury Angelo-Goncalves Belen Gonzalez Nabir Mamnun
Mathieu Ardnya Imke Grefe Josiane Melancon
Anna Barrera-Galderique Luke Gregor Ernesto Molina Balari
Jagoda Bialogrodzka Cristian Hakspiel Leila Nagel
Srinivas Bikkina Emily Harrison Sunita Pandey
Laura Bordelon Judith Hauck Vidya Pottekkat Jayapaian
Daniela Bottjer Alexie Heimburger Virginie Racape
Matthieu Bressac Helmke Hepach Rosa Reboreda
Sujaree Bureekul Victor Hernando-Morales Mariana Ribas-Ribas
David Carozza Clara Hoppe Dominic Salisbury
Magdalena Carranza Martin Horbanski Tapaswini Sarangi
Wee Cheah Kuan Huang Stephanie Sargeant
Pierre Coupel Maria Carmen Igarza-Tagle Lucio Simonella
Surajit Das Sujith Kalarikkal Bhaskaran David Tupman
Julien Dekaezemacker Marion Kersale Giuliana Turi
Ziqiang Duan Tae-Wook Kim Alison Webb
Colleen Durkin Justin Krijnen Florian Wetzel
Sarah Fawcett Karin Kvale Jin-Yu Yang
Ivy Frenger Charlotte Laufkoetter Han Yu
Felix Friedl Michael Lawler Julia Zabori

Best poster winners - lecturer's vote winners

  • Daniela Böttjer
  • Virginie Galindo
  • Karin Kvale
  • Leila Nagel
  • Vidya Pottekkat Jayapalan
  • Giuliana Turi

Summer School poster competition: The SOLAS Summer School places significant emphasis on the communication aspect of the Summer School. The students attended practical sessions on how to effectively communicate by poster presentation. The lecturers identified the best posters.


Best oral presentation winners - student's vote winners

  • Colleen Durkin
  • Sarah Fawcett
  • Judith Hauck

Best oral presentation winners - lecturer's vote winners

  • Julien Dekaezemacker
  • Josiane Mélançon
  • Florian Wetzel

The SOLAS Summer School prides itself in encouraging collaboration and future association between the participants, and, as with the poster presentation workshop, efforts focus on developing the skills required for eloquent oral presentation. Each participant, after attending this workshop, gained the opportunity to apply the teaching to their own presentations and provided a short demonstration, of their own research, to their cohorts. The students and lectures identified the best presentations, and these following students gained awards.



Impressions of the 5th SOLA Summer School 2011 which took place in Cargèse, Corsica, France. Visit also the SOLAS Flickr account to see more pictures of SOLAS events and SOLAS-related research.

