SOLAS co-sponsored session on Impacts of Air-Sea Fluxes on Biogeochemistry and Climate: Challenges and Opportunities from 20 years of Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) at EGU 2024 was convened by Liselotte Tinel and co-convened by Yuanxu Dong, Luisa Galgani, Maria Kanakidou, Parvadha Suntharalingam.
This long-running EGU session on air-sea biogeochemical fluxes focused this year also on the legacy and activities of the 20-year Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). The conveners welcomed studies from all areas of the interdisciplinary SOLAS research, including atmospheric deposition of nutrients and pollutants to the ocean and impacts on ocean biogeochemistry, ocean-atmosphere fluxes of climate active species and potential feedbacks to climate, and from a range of analytical approaches (laboratory, in-situ and remote sensing, numerical models).
More information about the event here.
The endorsed UN Ocean Decade programme Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) and SOLAS co-organised side event "Unifying strategies to develop integrated global air-sea community networks" at UN Ocean Decade Conference was held in Barcelona, Spain & virtual on 9 April 2024.
This panel advanced the conference goals to increase scientific knowledge, identify critical science and policy priorities, contribute to Ocean Vision 2030, and develop research capacity and scale-up ocean action using science-based solutions. The goal of this hybrid event was to make progress toward unifying and expanding the current network of air-sea communities and integrating existing and new marine technologies and modeling through a joint initiative.
More information about the event here.
The Ocean Sciences Meeting (OSM) 2024 was held in New Orleans, Louisiana, USA from 18-23 February 2024. A SOLAS session was organised on Physical and biogeochemical variability and changes in World's Upwelling Systems: Present and Future. SOLAS Upwelling Systems Implementation Team member Elisa Lovecchio co-chaired this session.
Upwelling Systems are among the most productive and diverse ecosystems supporting some of the world’s major fisheries and other socio- economically valuable services. Their high and extraordinary biological productivity is intimately linked to complex physical and biogeochemical processes that experience a wide range of spatio-temporal variability due to the strong coupling between the ocean and atmosphere. Thus, understanding the characteristics and variability of Upwelling Systems and how climate change will affect these complex processes is key for unraveling Upwelling Systems ecosystem dynamics. In this session, interdisciplinary presentations were invited regarding variability, predictability, and changes in physical, biological, and chemical characteristics of Upwelling Systems and their impacts on marine ecosystems.
More information about the event here.
The Online Regional Workshop on Atmospheric Composition and Climate Change was held on 7 Feburary 2024.
The American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting 2023 was held hybrid in San Francisco, USA, from 11-15 December 2023. A SOLAS session was organised on The Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS): 20-years of Progress and Developments in Ocean-Atmosphere Science.
The atmosphere and ocean are integral components of the Earth's climate system, and their interactions shape our planet's climate and health. SOLAS has been sharing integrated Earth system science for over two decades. To celebrate, this session hosted discussions on progress and developments in ocean-atmosphere science.
More information about the event here.
Initiated by the United Nations Decade of Ocean Science endorsed programme Digital Twins of the Ocean (DITTO), the International DITTO Summit 2023 took place in conjunction with the 2023 World Ocean Week in Xiamen, China on 9-12 November 2023, attracting 450 renowned experts, scholars and industry representatives from 19 countries and regions. The Summit enabled sharing of the latest advances on digital twins of the ocean and discussion of future joint actions. SOLAS is a co-sponsor of this event.
More information about the event here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 36**
The Global Ocean Oxygen Decade (GOOD)-Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability (OARS)- Research Program for Climate Action Planning (CLAP)-Centro de Investigación Oceanográfica en el Pacifico Sur-Oriental (COPAS) International Summer School 2023, co-sponsored by SOLAS, was held from 6-12 November 2023 in La Serena, Chile.
The Chile summer school provided a great opportunity for 33 young researchers from 17 countries to meet more than 15 world experts in their respective fields. The days were filled with presentations on different aspects of ocean acidification and deoxygenation as well as practical sessions on modelling, laboratory experiments, shipboard measurements and analysis, communication training (mostly scientific) and an introduction to ethics in science. The programme closed with a stakeholder day, where students and teachers visited offshore sea scallops aquaculture platforms in Tongoy Bay and interacted with the local scallop aquaculture cooperative stakeholders.
More information about the event here.
The 2nd Open Science Conference of the World Climate Research Programme (WCRP) took place in Kigali, Rwanda, from 23 to 27 October 2023. This once-in-a-decade conference brought together the climate, environment, and related communities to discuss the latest developments in climate science and explore the transformative actions urgently needed to ensure a sustainable future.
WCRP has been a core sponsor of SOLAS since 2004. SOLAS and WCRP share the goal of facilitating international collaborations to address key climate science questions. At the WCRP Open Science Conference 2023, the SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee (ECSC) organised a side event on Thursday 26 October during lunchtime to share the scientific agenda of SOLAS, network with the emerging African ocean-atmosphere research community and lead discussions on how the ECS Committee, and SOLAS more broadly, can support the research objectives of emerging African scientists.
More information about the event here.
SOLAS has been strategically planning for its 3rd decade. A key event is the SOLAS Scoping Workshop held in Xiamen and online in September 2023. The workshop gathered 40 leading oceanographers and atmospheric scientists from 18 countries to discuss SOLAS’future beyond 2025 and draft the SOLAS 2026-2035 science plan and organisation.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 35**
FLARE workshop: Fire science Learning AcRoss the Earth system, which took place from 18-21 September 2023, in Bermuda, UK and Online.
More than three dozen physical and social scientists, artists, communicators and others gathered at Arizona State University Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences (ASU BIOS) (or joined online) in mid-September to discussed the challenges in understanding fire behaviour and its impacts across the world and over varied timeframes, the tools that we have and the need to address these challenges, and how to communicate better across disciplines. The goal is to synthesise this knowledge and formulate a roadmap for more integrated research wildfire research for the next 5 to 10 years.
More information about the event here.
The 21st International Conference on Nucleation and Atmospheric Aerosols (ICNAA) was held from 27-30 June 2023 at the Queensland University of Technology (QUT), Brisbane Australia.
A joint SOLAS/ICNAA session was organised on Interconnections between marine ecosystems, aerosols, clouds and atmospheric chemistry.
More information about the event here.
The ASLO Aquatic Sciences Meeting 2023 was held in Palma de Mallorca, Spain, from 4-9 June 2023. A early career event was organised on Community Input SOLAS 2025-2035 Implementation Plan.
The Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Survey (SOLAS) is a global and multidisciplinary research program aiming to coordinate the ocean-atmosphere interphase research. The program was established in 2004 and has contributed to the research community's collaboration and capacity building on the biogeochemical and physical interactions between the ocean and the atmosphere. SOLAS has dedicated efforts on engaging and fostering collaborations amongst early career researchers, thanks to the prestigious SOLAS Summer School. In 2023, the program has created an Early Career Scientific Committee (ECS). One of the goals of this committee is to work with the research community to draft the new SOLAS Implementation Plan for 2025-2035. In this event, we presented the ECS to the community and heard their input on the future of SOLAS.
More information about the event here.
SOLAS hold an online Spanish workshop on Marine Biogeochemistry Research on Latin American Coastal Zones on 26 May 2023. The workshop aimed to learn about current research on coastal marine biogeochemistry in Latin America, focusing on, but not restricted to, the key biogeochemical interactions and feedback between the ocean and the atmosphere of upwelling zones.
In addition, the workshop seeked to create a Latin American community network to start collaborations under SOLAS common scientific interests that contribute to reducing spatial and temporal knowledge gaps, achieving a better understanding of biogeochemical variability, the processes that control the greenhouse gases cycling, and the system's response to environmental stressors on a regional scale. Likewise, with the creation of this network, it is intended to understand how this coupled ocean-atmosphere system affects and is affected by climate and environmental change to find new ways to further contribute toward constructive solutions to the concerns of society.
The entire event has been recorded and is now available on YouTube here.
The European Geophysical Union (EGU) General Assembly 2023 was held in Vienna, Austria and online from 23-28 April 2023.
A SOLAS co-sponsored session was organised on Air-sea Chemical Fluxes: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate.
More information about the event here.
The SOLAS Early Career Scientist Committee (ECSC) organised its first scoping workshop from 19-21 April 2023 in a virtual space. The virtual space was continuously active during the three days of the workshop to ensure committee members' participation from 10 different time zones. The workshop's organisation team (Julie Dinasquet, Karin Kvale and Joan Llort) moderated three focus sessions daily for open discussion between members of similar time zones.
The workshop had three working axis (Science, Diversity & Inclusion and Organisation) and aimed to craft the organisation, objectives and community engagement of the newly created ECSC. A critical outcome of this workshop was the ECSC recommendations for the future SOLAS Science Plan. After the meeting, the organisation team brought together the workshop's ideas and conclusions in the shape of a report approved by all members and open to the community for input.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 37**
Eddy Covariance (EC) Air/sea Gas Flux Best Practice Workshop was held from 28-30 March, in London, UK. This 2.5-day international workshop was convened to discuss the major advances that have been made in the field of eddy covariance flux measurements. The aim was to consolidate current understanding to help prevent others from repeating past mistakes. The community assembled (~25 scientific experts from around the world) to discuss and begin the process of documenting the steps required to achieve best quality air/sea eddy covariance (EC) gas flux measurements from a moving platform. The focus was on air-sea carbon dioxide (CO2) fluxes, although many of the conclusions will be relevant to other marine gases.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 32**
BEPSII General Meeting 2023 took place from 12-14 March 2023 in La Jolla, USA and Online.
The meeting was well attended with 30+ participants in person and about 10 participants online. It began with a class on effective communication for scientists, which ranged from giving presentations to creating websites, Twitter posts, media interviews, etc., and then moved into discussions of active and completed projects. Multiple data compilations, papers and reports have been identified and are in various stages of completion. A few of the larger joint group efforts currently being finalised are highlighted.
The SOLAS co-sponsored Sixth Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS-VI) was held in Xiamen, China and online from 9-12 January 2023 with the theme focusing on Multidisciplinary and Solution Sciences for a Sustainable and Healthy Ocean.
▪ SOLAS session on Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study: Air-Sea interaction and its climatic and environmental impacts was convened by Guiling Zhang, Bingbing Wang, Lin Du, and Zhijun Wu.
This session provided opportunities for the scientific community to exchange new ideas and discuss the latest achievements in our understanding of the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and the atmosphere, and of how this coupled system affects and is affected by climate and environmental change.
▪ SOLAS Town Hall on SOLAS in the new era: harnessing partnership and transforming science into solutions was convened by Cécile Guieu, Erik van Doorn, Mohd Talib Latif, Li Li, Anoop Mahajan, Christa Marandino, Lisa Miller, Arvind Singh, and Guiling Zhang.
This town hall allowed Xmas-VI attendees to provide direct input and contribute new ideas for SOLAS in planning our future activities, notably on how SOLAS can most usefully facilitate scientific research in understudied regions, identifying the research priorities of underrepresented communities, and discussing how SOLAS science can be transformed to societal solutions.
The 27th Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP27) took place from 6-18 November 2022 in Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt and online.
Together with Future Earth and other partners, SOLAS co-organised a side event at COP27 on "Wildfire increase, a challenge for Earth system and societies" to discuss fire risk from a natural and social science view.
The event has been recorded and is now available on YouTube here.
The 2022 World Ocean Week in Xiamen (WOW) was held from 10-16 November 2022 in Xiamen, China, when 40 activities took place under the theme of "Creating new momentum for 'blue development' and building a community with a shared future for the ocean".
SOLAS co-sponsored a side event on "International Workshop on Marine and Atmospheric Climate Relevant Substances". The workshop aimed to share recent research progress on climate relevant substances at land-ocean-atmosphere interfaces from tropical to polar marine environments, moreover, to seek common research interests among scientists from different countries, and to lay a foundation for further collaborations.
The workshop programme is available here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 30**
Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) Working Group 38 workshop held from 04-07 October 2022, hybrid in Gqeberha (formerly Port Elizabeth), South Africa. The workshop brought together scientists, ocean managers, and policymakers to address issues related to the importance of atmospheric deposition to a specific area of the ocean and include an element of capacity building. This workshop was titled: "What is the potential role of atmospheric deposition in driving ocean productivity in the Madagascar Channel and Southwest Indian Ocean? - A case for an Adaptive-Dynamic Management approach within Large Marine Ecosystems." Most attendees participated in person, although virtual participants were also included; in total, there were 48 participants from 18 countries.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 29**
The Open Science Conference on Eastern Boundary Upwelling Systems (EBUS): Past, Present and Future was held jointly with the Second International Conference on the Humboldt Current System in Lima, Peru from 19 to 23 September 2022. The conference was organised by scientists from the Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (IOC-UNESCO), the Institut de Recherche et Développement (IRD), and the Scientific Committee on Ocean Research (SCOR) Working Group 155 EBUS.
The conference had 341 on-site participants and 133 that connected remotely, and included early career scientists, stakeholders and global experts. The participants sought to review and synthesize available information on the dynamics, sensitivity, vulnerability and resilience of EBUS and their living resources to climate variability and change with the eventual goal of predicting how they will respond in the future. There were a total of 277 talks and 175 posters distributed in 28 sessions under the umbrella of 3 thematic axis: (1) Ocean physics and associated biogeochemical processes in relation to climate variability and climate change, (2) Living resources, fisheries and adaptations to environmental variability, and (3) Socio-ecological vulnerability to climate change and extreme events.
More information about the conference here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 28**
SOLAS co-organised an online workshop on surface ocean and lower atmosphere study in Southeast Asia on 23 August 2022, aiming to introduce and discuss SOLAS-relevant and region-specific research and activities, as well as to build scientific networks in Southeast Aisa.
The online workshop was attended by more than 70 participants. 12 presenters from Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Singapore, China, India and Spain presented their research outcomes at the workshop.
The SOLAS co-organised side event on "Future Earth's marine networks: a trans- and interdisciplinary scientific community working toward the achievement of the SDGs" was held on 30 June 2022, hybrid in Lisbon, Portugal, in the framework of the United Nations Ocean Conference 2022.
The entire event has been recorded and is now available on YouTube here.
The SOLAS co-sponsored event Virtual Training Programme for Sustainable Oceans 2022 was held by the Uunited Nations Ocean Decade project "Coastal Zones Under Intensifying Human Activities and Changing Climate: A Regional Programme Integrating Science, Management and Society to Support Ocean Sustainability (Coastal-SOS)".
This event aimed to equip participants with a broad understanding of the ocean and the knowledge of possible scientific tools and technical supports towards sustainable oceans.
More information about the event here.
The Integrated annual meetings of the Indian Ocean Global Ocean Observing System (IOGOOS) and its allied programmes meetings took place during 21-25 March 2022, following the International Indian Ocean Science Conference (IIOSC-2022).
The SOLAS side meeting was held during this event to have a detailed discussion on SOLAS activities in India.
More information about the side meeting here.
SOLAS co-sponsored session on Air-sea Chemical Fluxes: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate at EGU 2022 was convened by Parvadha Suntharalingam, Maria Kanakidou, Robert Duce, Arvind Singh and Katye Altieri.
This session addressed the issues on the atmospheric deposition of nutrients and toxic substances to the ocean, the impacts on ocean biogeochemistry, and also the ocean to atmosphere fluxes of climate active species and potential feedbacks to climate. The conveners welcomed new findings from measurement programmes (laboratory, in-situ and remote sensing) and atmospheric and oceanic numerical models.
More information about the seesion here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 25**
The Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces (GTWS) Symposium normally occurs every 5 years and has brought together scientists from countries all over the world. This topic is globally-important. The conference coveres all domains where air and water meet, including freshwater, estuarine, marine (coastal and open ocean) and polar regions, as well as laboratory and numerical studies.
The 8th GTWS took place from 17-20 May 2022 in Plymouth, UK and online. The event was well-attended with nearly 100 participants (approx. 75% in-person, 25% online). Using Plymouth Marine Laboratory's new technology for hybrid events, and with the help of an external company (Mindfully Wired), the hybrid event was hosted and switched effortlessly between the room and online participants during the Q&As. Those in the room and online clearly enjoyed the opportunity to have an open debate again.
An intercalibration experiments (more than one month) was carried out at Cambridge Bay, Canada in May 2022 to evaluate the different methodologies for assessing air-ice CO2 flux and primary production in sea ice. SOLAS was the co-sponsor of this event.
Participant: B. Else (lead), D. Nomura, B. Delille, K. Campbell, S. Muller, O. Crabeck, K. Simpson, T. Noshiro, M. Tozawa, N. Kanna, J. Osanen, N. Johnson, J. Langer, R. McKay, F. Ahmed, C. Braybrook, J. Watts.
More information about the event here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 24**
The 53rd International Colloquium on Ocean Dynamics – 3rd GO2NE Oxygen Conference took place on 15 May until 20 May 2022 in Liège, Belgium. The colloquium was organised by the Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (IOC-UNESCO) Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE) and was a contribu-tion to the Global Ocean Oxygen Decade (GOOD) programme of the United Nations (UN) Ocean Decade. It was a hybrid event involving 183 persons registered on-site, as well as 80 online participants.
The Colloquium offered 13 keynote talks, 89 talks, and 60 posters to overview new developments and insights related to deoxygenation in open and coastal waters across 10 thematic sessions. The Colloquium also involved mentoring activities and 4 panels on "Science to policy", "Citizen Science", "Diversity and Equity in STEMS", and "Communication to the media".
Contributions from the 53rd Liège Colloquium will be published in a Special Issue of Biogeosciences. Full information on the event is available at https://www.ocean-colloquium.uliege.be/ and on Twitter at: https://twitter.com/liegeocean & https://twitter.com/GOOD_Ocean_Oxy.
**A full report of this winter school is is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 31**
The Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at Sea Ice Interfaces (BEPSII) Sea-Ice School 2022 took place at the Canadian High Arctic Research Station (CHARS) in Cambridge Bay, Canada from 14-23 May 2022.
The school targeted Early Career Scientists, preferably PhD students, but also Master students and early Post-Docs. Lectures, field and lab work addressed basic sea-ice and snow physics, sea ice optics, primary production, carbon cycling, biogeochemistry together with, sea-ice biogeochemical modelling, gases fluxes at the interfaces and life in the North.
More information about the winter school here.
**A full report of this session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 34**
The Cryosphere and ATmospheric CHemistry (CATCH) Open Science Workshop 2022 was held online during 9-13 May 2022, with a focus on natural processes specific to cold regions of the Earth. SOLAS was a co-sponsor of this virtual event.
The workshop hosted invited talks, social interactions, and contributed posters on CATCH related topics with the aim of fostering scientific interactive discussions between researchers on outstanding questions. The workshop addressed researchers at all stages of their careers and provided ample opportunity for early career scientist to present and discuss their work.
More information about the workshop here.
The European Space Agency (ESA), together with SOLAS & Plymouth Marine Laboratory and the support from National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), organised the Ocean Carbon From Space Workshop virtually from 14-18 February 2022.
The main objective of the workshop was to bring together remote sensing scientists, field scientists and modellers around the common topic of ocean carbon, its pools and fluxes, its variability in space and time and the understanding of its processes and interactions with the earth system. The aim was to articulate a collective view of the current status, identify gaps in knowledge and formulate the scientific roadmap for the next decade, with an emphasis on evaluating where Earth Observations (EO) may contribute.
More information about the workshop here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 22**
The Remote Sensing for Ocean-Atmosphere Interactions Studies and Applications Workshop, co-organised by the European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites (EUMETSAT), the Copernicus programme and SOLAS was held online on 1-3 December 2021. The workshop was facilitated by EUMETSAT.
The workshop was intended to support and encourage collaboration to explore and promote the use of readily available remote sensing data sets that can support both research into oceanatmosphere interactions, and the use of the satellite-derived data in operational environments. The workshop was pitched to be of value to scientists and educators at all levels of seniority in a wide range of disciplines: climate studies and monitoring, remote sensing, atmospheric physics and chemistry, physical oceanography, ocean biology; it also provided the mechanism for dialogs with representatives of services and data provider agencies. This connection between researchers, educators and data providers was an important aspect of this workshop.
More information about the workshop here.
The Ocean Decade Laboratories are creative, interactive platform to support actions for the United Nations (UN) Ocean Decade around the globe. Each Laboratory focuses on one of the seven Outcomes of the UN Ocean Decade. From 17-19 November 2021, the third Ocean Decade Laboratory–A Clean Ocean was held virtually. SOLAS co-convened the satellite event "Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS) for a Clean Ocean".
The OASIS for a Clean Ocean highlighted integrated air-sea flux observation strategies and their benefits to support a clean ocean, while hearing from Early Career Ocean Professionals (ECOP) and stakeholders.
More information about the satellite event here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 20**
A joint workshop on 'Iron at the Air-Sea Interface' was organised by SOLAS, GEOTRACES, SCOR, oceans, and the Dep. of Energy. The aim of the workshop was to improve the understanding on how atmospheric bioaccessible iron moves across the atmosphere-ocean interface and becomes bioavailable for ocean ecosystems and at scales important for the carbon cycle. Overall, 74 scientists from 23 countries registered to participate and to present their experimental, modeling, and remote sensing studies related to atmospheric supply and speciation of aerosol Fe, its contribution to the dissolved Fe inventory of the ocean, and its po-tential impacts on primary production and CO2uptake. The workshop brought together established scientists and young researchers (M.Sc., Ph.D., and ECOPs who received their Ph.D. within 7 years) to provide opportunities for professional interactions in a focused and productive forum. More than 1/3 of the participants were female
More information about the workshop here.
**A full report of this workshop will be available soon as SOLAS Event Report Issue 21**
A forum session on 'The apparent mismatch be-tween science and policy at the air-sea interface' for the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress was held, which builds on topics included in the launch of the SOLAS Science and Society Integrated Topic. The session was convened by Erik van Doorn (Kiel University, Germany), David J. Kieber (State University of New York, USA), Christa Marandino (GEOMAR, Germany), Lisa Miller (Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada), and William L. Miller (University of Georgia, USA).
The SOLAS session took place virtually and included 4 introductory talks and a panel discussion. The speakers were: Robert A. Duce (Texas A&M University, USA), Anna Rutgersson (Uppsala University, Sweden), Nathalie Hilmi (Centre Scientifique de Monaco, Monaco), and Andrew Lenton (CSIRO, Australia). The panellists were a mixture of the sessions conveners and the speakers.
More information about the session is here.
Due to the ongoing pandemic, the main 8th International Symposium on Gas Transfer at Water Surfaces had been postponed to 17-22 May 2022. To maintain an active community, a free online "bite-size" event was organised on 19 May 2021, 13:00-16:00 BST, online.
The online event will feature:
- Flagship presentation - Bernd Jähne (University of Heidelberg)
- Presentation on UNESCO/UN carbon roadmap and opportunities - Rik Wanninkhof (US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration)
- 'Taster Talks' from the 2022 Keynotes:
-Lucy Carpenter (University of York) - The role of chemistry in air-sea fluxes
-Christa Marandino (GEOMAR, Kiel) - Gas transfer in the open oceans
-Sally McIntyre (University of California) - Freshwater gas exchange
-David Woolf (Heriot Watt University) - Air-water gas transfer across a broken surface
The SOLAS Town Hall ‘Full Steam Ahead: the Surface Ocean-Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS) Mid-Term Course Correction' was organise on 2 December 2020.
Half way through its 2nd decade, SOLAS is re-evaluating its science plan. SOLAS plays a unique role in facilitating collaboration between atmospheric and oceanic scientists to understand air-sea interactions and how they influence the Earth system. Going forward, it is time to ask: What new research issues are emerging? What topics are waning? What can we do better?
The Town Hall was organised by SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) Chair Lisa Miller (Institute of Ocean Sciences, Canada) and SSC members Santiago Gassó (University of Maryland Baltimore County, USA), Peter J Minnett (University of Miami, RSMAS, USA), and Parvadha Suntharalingam (University of East Anglia, UK). The SOLAS IPO was represented by Jessica Gier (GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany).
**A full SOLAS Event Report is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 19**
On 26- 30 October 2020, the North Pacific Marine Science Organization (PICES) community had a productive annual online meeting. A SOLAS session on “Atmospheric nutrient deposi-tion and microbial community responses, and predictions for the future in the North Pacific Ocean” was organised.
The scope of the 2020 PICES annual meeting was on "How does 30 years of research on changing North Pacific ecosystems inform the UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)?"
PICES 2020 Virtual Annual Meeting presentations are available online here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 18**
On 30 September 2020, the Surface Ocean Lower Atmosphere Study community had a productive Indian Ocean Meeting, online. The aim of the SOLAS Indian Ocean Meeting was to present and discuss current, ongoing, and planned SOLAS research and initiatives taking place in the Indian Ocean and to help forge collaborations.
In total, 360 people registered for the daylong meeting held during India Standard Time. The SOLAS Indian Ocean Meeting consisted of two keynotes, eight selected talks and 21 poster presetations. Furthermore, the meeting included a panel discussion with three panellists as well as a discussion session on 'Structure & Future of SOLAS India'.
The SOLAS Indian Ocean Meeting 2020 has been recorded and is available on YouTube here.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 17**
From 7 - 8 December 2019, the international expert community on Cryosphere and Atmospheric Chemistry (CATCH) had a productive Open Science Workshop in Berkeley, USA, at the University of California. In total, 44 scientists -one third being early career researchers- from 14 countries attended the workshop representing a wide range of science. An important objective of this workshop was to gather ideas and community support to develop CATCH working groups to focus the research on emerging CATCH topics and research challenges.
The workshop was sponsored by the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the International Global Atmospheric Chemistry (IGAC) and by SOLAS.
**A full report of this session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 16**
From 16 - 18 August 2019, the international expert community on sea-ice biogeochemical processes at sea-ice interfaces (BEPSII) had a productive meeting in conjunction with the International Glaciological Society (IGS) Sea Ice Symposium in Winnipeg, Canada. The BEPSII meeting gathered 35 participants, including long term members and several new members and interested researchers, both senior and early career scientists, who were quickly integrated into the BEPSII family.
The meeting was sponsored by Climate and Cryosphere (CLIC), the International Arctic Science Committee (IASC), the Scientific Committee on Antarctic Research (SCAR), the Scientific Committee on Oceanic Research (SCOR) and SOLAS. The meeting agenda contained presentations and summaries of ongoing projects, and plenary discussions of current research topics.
**A full report of this session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 15**
The GO2NE Summer School 2019 connected young researchers with leading scientists in dif-ferent components of GO2NE research, and sci-entists from SMEs not only in a theoretical framework, but also through practical exercises, laboratory experiments and special sessions. The GO2NE vision is to provide scientific knowledge and educate the younger generation of scientists for ‘the Ocean we need for the Fu-ture we want’.
The summer school was composed of a mix of lectures and practical workshops, implemented as follows: two full days of lectures followed by two days of practical workshops, one day of stakeholder engagement activities and another two full days of lectures. The 2019 school brought together 37 PhD students and early ca-reer scientists from 19 countries across all conti-nents and 14 world-leading international scien-tists from 12 countries.
The session on Remote Sensing of the Ocean Surface and Lower Atmosphere - a SOLAS Session, was convened by Peter Minnett (U. Miami) and Diego Fernandez (ESA).
Check the programms and abstracts of oral presentations and poster presentations on the conference website.
A special issue in the journal of "Remote Sensing" about this session will be published.
Air-sea fluxes of biogeochemically active constituents have significant impacts on global biogeochemistry and climate. Increasing atmospheric deposition of anthropogenically-derived nutrients (e.g., nitrogen, phosphorus, iron) to the ocean influences marine productivity and has associated impacts on oceanic CO2 uptake, and emissions to the atmosphere of climate active species (e.g., nitrous-oxide (N2O), dimethyl-sulfide (DMS), marine organic compounds and halogenated species). These oceanic emissions of reactive species and greenhouse gases influence atmospheric chemistry and global climate, and induce potentially important chemistry-climate feedbacks. While advances have been made by laboratory, field, and modelling studies over the past decade, we still lack understanding of many of the physical and biogeochemical processes linking atmospheric deposition, nutrient availability, marine biological productivity, and the biogeochemical cycles governing air-sea fluxes of these climate active species. Atmospheric inputs of other toxic substances, e.g., lead, cadmium, copper, and persistent organic pollutants, into the ocean are also of concern.
The session on Air-sea Chemical Fluxes : Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate at EGU 2019 was convened by Parvadha Suntharalingam, Robert Duce, Maria Cristina Facchini, Maria Kanakidou, and Arvind Singh. It addressed the atmospheric deposition of nutrients and toxic substances to the ocean, their impacts on ocean biogeochemistry, the air-sea fluxes of climate active species and potential feedbacks to climate.
This session was jointly sponsored by GESAMP Working Group 38 on ‘The Atmospheric Input of Chemicals to the Ocean’, SOLAS, and iCACGP.
**A full report of this session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 13**
To foster knowledge and ideas exchange within the marine environmental science community and, in particular, to promote interdisciplinary studies, the State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Science (MEL) of Xiamen University initiated the Xiamen Symposium on Marine Environmental Sciences (XMAS), with the overarching theme of The Changing Ocean Environment: From a Multidisciplinary Perspective. The fourth iteration, XMAS-IV, was held in Xiamen from January 6-9 2019. It was organised and sponsored by MEL, and the National Natural Science Foundation of China. SOLAS was one of the co-sponsors of this event.
The SOLAS session at XMAS IV was convented by Guiling Zhang (Ocean University of China, China), Huiwang Gao (Ocean University of China, China), Mohd Talib Latif (Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, Malaysia), Jun Nishioka (Hokkaido University, Japan), Senchao Lai (South China University of Technology, China), Bingbing Wang (Xiamen University, China). In this session, the SOLAS scientific community exchanged new ideas and discussed the latest achievements in our understanding of the key biogeochemical-physical interactions and feedbacks between the ocean and the atmos-phere, and of how this coupled system affects and is affected by climate and environmental change.
**A full report of these workshops is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 12**
Consevutive workshops on SOLAS Core Theme 4 and 5 were held from the 27th until the 29th of November 2018 in Roma, Italy.
Workshop 1 focused on challenging topics in the field of air-sea interactions and atmospheric chemistry. It was organised jointly by SOLAS and IGAC. The workshop 1 especially addressed the influence of the coastal pollution (air and water) on the chemistry of gas and particles in the marine environment, as well as the effects on climate and human health.
Workshop 2 was the realisation from the SOLAS national annual reports of the existence of many large programs aiming at improving our understanding of the interconnections between ocean and aerosols and ultimately clouds. The timing seemed just right to bring these people together and see what they have to say and try to expand from the local/temporal scale of a single project to the global scale. For this we identified key similarities and differences in the findings of the different programs (where they overlap) as well as complementary information where they don’t.
Joint group picture of the workshops participants.© Jessica Gier
**A full report of this session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 10**
The SOLAS Town Hall ‘Expanding involvement and setting priorities’ was organised on 13 February 2018, with the goals to introduce the SOLAS science plan and international activities, to discuss how SOLAS can be useful to your research, to generate ideas for new initiatives and collaborations, and to explore priorities for expanding the US SOLAS program.
The US SOLAS national representative Rachel Stanley hosted this event. The Town Hall was joined by the SOLAS SSC Chair Lisa Miller and SSC members Philip Boyd, Peter Minnett, Jun Nishioka, and Guiling Zhang. They presented about their research and how they are connected with SOLAS. The SOLAS IPO was represented by Jessica Gier and Li Li.
**A full report of the conference and the SOLAS workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 8**
SOLAS and the Sustainable Shipping and Environment of the Baltic Sea region (SHEBA) joined forces to organise a two-day conference “Shipping and the Environment - From Regional to Global Perspectives”, which was held at the University of Gothenburg’s conference centre on 24-25 October 2017, and attracted 117 participants from 15 countries. The conference was followed by a SOLAS workshop on “Shipping” on 26 October 2017.
**A full report of the sub-session is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 7**
From 28 August until 1 September 2017, the session M01 “Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics for the 21st Century” has been organised under the auspices of the International Commission on Atmospheric Chemistry and Global Pollution (iCACGP) at the International Convention Center in Cape Town, South Africa. The sessions on August 28 and 29 were dedicated to SOLAS as a tribute to Prof. Roland von Glasow, who served on the Scientific Steering Committee of SOLAS (2008-2013), and was an active Commission Member of iCACGP when he suddenly passed away in 2015.
Alina spend one week working with us in the SOLAS IPO at GEOMAR.
This is her report:
My name is Alina Correll, I am 17 years old and I visit the 11th grade of Bergstraßen-Gymnasium Hemsbach. In the week from 12th to 18th August 2017, I was given the opportunity to do an internship in the International Project Office of the ‘Surface Ocean - Lower Atmosphere Study’ (SOLAS) at the GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, Germany. It was an eventful week during which I learned a lot about marine biology, how and where to study it and what kind of job possiblilites one has. Furthermore, I gained many impressions on working at the GEOMAR.
The internship started at the project office, where Dr. Jessica Gier welcomed me to SOLAS and explained the aimes and the approach of the project to me. I was surprised by the huge number of scientists from all over the world working together in one project.
Afterwards, we went on a guided tour to the Technology and Logistics Centre where I saw and learned about the research vessel of GEOMAR and its underwater vehicles like for example the Remotely Operatet Vehicles (ROVs), the famous submersible ‘Jago’ and other Autonomous Underwater Vehicles (AUV ABYSS). In addition to storing all of those technical instruments, there are tanks in which they can be tested and a factory hall where new equipment can be built. It was very fascinating to see all those vehicles which seem quite inconspicuous and small but are packed with the newest technologies and work under extreme conditions.
On my second day, Dr. Jessica Gier and I visited the Zoological Museum of Kiel University with its exhibitions ‘Future Oceans’ and ‘Deep Sea’, which were created in cooperation with GEOMAR. Furthermore, the museum displays many marine specimen among which are 12 original whale skeletons that I found highly interesting. I spent the rest of the day in the SOLAS Project Office, gaining insight on the work as a project officer and helped with some tasks like designing a logo advertising the SOLAS summer school or compiling e-mail lists.
In order to be able to experience some work in the field of research, I had the possibility to spent one day at the laboratory of the research unit ‘marine microbiology’ where I learend a lot about working in a laboratory, did fascinating experiments of which I could do some by myself. After Dr. Kristina Bayer had provided me with detailed explanations on the main research topics of the unit and familiarised me with the security instructions, she showed me around the laboratory, explaining the most important instruments. After that, we worked with the ‘cell sorter’, a quite new piece of equipment used at GEOMAR that can differentiate between the cells of different species of algae or bacteria with the help of laser rays and can then separate them into test tubes. Afterwards, we took a look onto some of those algae under the microscope.
As scientists often have to take care of marine animals or plants they are doing research on, I spent one day as a trainee at the GEOMAR Aquarium where I fed the animals and cleaned their tanks.
My last day was again spent in the SOLAS Project Office where I helped Dr. Jessica Gier and Dr. Emilie Brévière. Again, it was very amazing to see the huge amount of communication between scientists from all over the world.
All in all, I had a very interesting internship. I really enjoyed my time at the GEOMAR and am grateful for the experiences I was able to make and the information and insights which I gained on scientific work. I am now quite sure that I want to study marine biology. Thanks to all the friendly people I met during this week, who were very patient explaining me everything, and answering all my questions. Special thanks to Dr. Emilie Brévière and Dr. Jessica Gier for making this internship possible and spending so much time with me.
Alina Correll
Kiel, 18th August 2017
**A full report of the workshop series on "SOLAS Science and Society" is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 6 **
A small meeting on 'air-sea interaction, policy and stewardship' took place in Rome, Italy on 14-15 June 2017, co organised by Emilio Cocco, Christa Marandino and Erik van Doorn. It is a follow up event of the SOLAS Science and Society workshop that took place in Brussels last October. Visit http://bit.ly/2sm9056
Workshop participants (alphabetical order): Magdalena Anguelova, Tom Bell, Oyvind Breivik, Adrian Callaghan, Kai Christensen, Kyla Drushka, Anneke ten Doeschate, Anja Engel, Leonie Esters, Luisa Galgani, Valentina Giunta, Luciá Gutiérrez-Loza, Nathalie Hayeck, Sok Kuh Kang, Kyeong Ok Kim, Ilan Koren, Stéphane Laussac, Peter Liss, Anoop Mahajan, Christa Marandino, Wade McGillis, Nicholas Meskhidze, Francesc Peters, Henry Potter, Lucia Robles Diaz, Anna Rutgersson, Matt Salter, Joel Sudre, Graig Sutherland, Liselotte Tinel, Royston Uning, Penny Vlahos, Evangelos Voyiatzis, Rik Wanninkhof, Brian Ward, Johnson Zachariah, Sebastian Zeppenfeld.
**A full report of this workshop is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 4**
The mission is to facilitate atmospheric chemistry research within the international community, with a focus on natural processes specific to cold regions of the Earth. Cold regions include areas which are seasonally or permanently covered by snow and ice, from the high mountains to the polar ice sheets and sea ice zones as well as regions where ice clouds that undergo chemistry are found.
CATCH is an emerging IGAC Activity on Chemistry, Biology and Physics in Cold Regions.
CATCH scientists will aim to understand and predict:
- How aerosols are formed and processed in cold regions;
- How cold region aerosols act as and impact cloud properties;
- Feedbacks between climate change and atmospheric chemistry that are determined by changes in the cryosphere;
- How the ice core record can be used to understand global environmental change;
- How physical, chemical, biological, and ecological changes in sea ice and snow impact atmospheric chemistry;
- How microbiology adapts and impacts biogeochemical cycling of elements in ecosystems of cold environments; and
- Establish background composition (trace gases and aerosols) in cold regions that are undergoing industrialization as well as impacted by climate change.
More information available at http://igacproject.org/CATCH
** A full report of this 2017 annual meeting, and more, is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 3.**
Official BEPSII website: https://sites.google.com/site/bepsiiwg140/home
Download the article about BEPSII on "To the interface and beyond: Results and legacy of SCOR Working Group 140 on Biogeochemical Exchange Processes at Sea-Ice Interfaces" published in January 2017 in the PICES Newsletter. It depicts the beginning of BEPSII few years back.
The overall objective of the SOLAS Science and Society meetings is to perform scientific research at the boundaries of natural and social science, with an interface to stakeholders and policymakers. The value-added in this workshop was to join scientific disciplines on this societally relevant topic that is largely unexplored to date and to convey the messages to decision-makers. As such, we are able to develop a comprehensive manuscript that includes the economic value of carbon in the ocean, extending past the typical coastal blue carbon content.
Workshop participants at Monaco harbour during the March 2017 meeting. Back row from left: Alain Safa, Martin Johnson, Erik van Doorn, Helmuth Thomas. Front row from left: Laura Recuero Virto, Christa Marandino, Mary Oloyede, Nathalie Hilmi, Denis Allemand, Yasser Kadmiri. © Eric Beraud
**A full report of these workshops, and more, is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 1**
From February 27 to March 2 2017, two workshops took place at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK under the auspices of the Joint Group of Experts on the Scientific Aspects of Marine Environmental Protection (GESAMP) Working Group 38.
**A full report of this event, and more, is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 2** Training and networking events on ocean acidification took place for the first time in West Africa at Dakar (Senegal). The events were organized by Future Earth Coasts with the support of KOSMOS Energy, SOLAS, MaREI, OA-ICC, IRD, to name a few, represented by participants of the events. The training workshop assembled 15 participants from Senegal, Benin, Togo, Cameroon, Nigeria, Benin, and Cote d’Ivoire, and 6 trainers coming from France, Sweden, USA, Spain and South Africa. Lectures and discussions covered an introduction to oceanic conditions off West Africa, the goal and urgency to study ocean acidification, as well as the chemistry involved in the acidification of the ocean and its impacts on marine biodiversity. Theory was about ocean acidification, measurement techniques, design of relevant acidification experiments, and manipulations in the field and in the laboratory. One day field trip was organized for practical training where aquarium experiments of ocean acidification were built up in real time. The trainees received their certificates of completion. |
Next to the training, a networking event took also place with interactions with the training participants on plenary sessions. About 17 networking participants were coming from Nigeria, Ghana, Morocco, Tunisia, Kenya, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Tanzania, Algeria, Togo, Benin, Egypt, Madagascar, Senegal, and South Africa. Presentations and discussions took place for developing the OA-Africa network and knowledge exchange on operational outcomes and identification of current needs (resources and capacity), identification of collaboration opportunity including funding, and of outputs and avenues for dissemination in Africa. Plans for white papers were presented to define current knowledge of OA-Africa and next steps forward. A steering committee involving researchers from Africa was then designed to provide guidance and direction of the network. |
A dinner event was hosted where a range of NGOs, practitioners and government officials from Senegal was invited along with the scientists. This event recognised the importance of involving organisations and stakeholders based in Senegal who can provide important in-country context, expertise, and experience. This dinner event provided an opportunity to connect to researchers, NGOs, and government officials in Senegal who are working tirelessly to manage environmental and ocean resources with scientists and students working on ocean acidification across Africa. |
When we outlook the future of SOLAS, not only in coordination in cross-disciplinary basic research, but also in climate and ecosystem services, challenges remain. Asian countries have made considerable contributions to SOLAS in the broad context of international collaborations, especially in the fields of ocean carbon cycle, air-sea exchange and atmospheric deposition to oceans. Considering Asian countries acting as the world economic engines, SOLAS studies therein should strengthen internal collaborations and pioneer some international collaboration programs to better service future social-economic activities on the earth.
This Future SOLAS symposium aimed to foster the exchange of ideas and knowledge between Asian scientists as well as the communication with the international community and to promote collaborations within Asian countries for SOLAS research and activities over the next decade.
Organizer: Ocean University of China
- National Nature Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
- Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology, China
- Key laboratory of Marine Environment and Ecology, Ministry of Education, Ocean University of China
- State Key Laboratory of Marine Environmental Sciences, Xiamen Unveirsty, China
Contacts: Xiaohuan Liu (liuxh1983@ouc.edu.cn), Xin Chi (chixin@ouc.edu.cn)
Symposium programme available here.
**A full report of the workshop series is available as SOLAS Event Report Issue 6 **
A free workshop on the topic of `SOLAS Science and Society` took place in late October 2016. The workshop brought together researchers in the field of ocean-atmosphere interactions and social scientists.
One of the goals of Future Earth, the newest SOLAS sponsor, is to more tightly couple science and society. This is a rather bold new step for SOLAS scientists, as to date the most intense coupling in our community has been only on the topic of geoengineering. During the SOLAS Open Science Conference in Kiel in September, 2015, a discussion session was held regarding this idea. One aim of the discussion was to identify SOLAS scientists interested in pursuing this integrating effort and some ideas on topics and procedures. The main outcome of the discussion was that there is clear interest within the SOLAS community to participate in joint scientific research with social scientists.
In order to facilitate this process, a two-day workshop focusing on three separate topics was held.
- Valuing carbon and the ocean’s role,
- (In)Forming policy across the air-sea interface, and
- The shipping industry and air-sea interactions.
A highly successful workshop sponsored by SOLAS and ESA took place 13-15 June 2016 at the ESA facilities in Frascati, Italy. The workshop was based around the topic of “Harnessing Remote Sensing to Address Critical Science Questions in the Ocean-Atmosphere Interface".
A first report is available **here**
A commentary manuscript is now being prepared for the journal Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene and will present to the Earth system science community the new ideas generated at this workshop, including how existing and possibly future remote sensing tools could be used to answer these questions.
A Swedish-SOLAS Open Science Symposium will be held 27-28 Aug 2014 in Gothenburg,Sweden. Both established and young researchers from Swedish institutions/universities carrying out SOLAS-related science are very welcome to join this event. Registration is required but free of charge. Symposium Website
A SOLAS symposium took place on the 19 June 2014 in Israel in the Lopatie Conference Centre at the Weizmann Institute of Science. It was aimed at interdisciplinary exchange of ideas, insights, and knowledge, between scientists whose work deals with SOLAS related processes. In total 19 talks were given on a broad range of SOLAS topics and the day ended with a poster session. The symposium also marked the beginning of the national network of SOLAS Israel. Symposium Website
On 9-10 January, Brian Ward from the National University of Ireland in Galway with support of the SOLAS International Project Office hosted a successful workshop. Current and former SOLAS Scientific Committee members, early career scientist and IPO staff met to further develop and plan SOLAS in its next phase. Special interest was taken in considering the outcome of the community consultation that took place during the last couple of months in 2013 and the input of the highly constructive early career scientist workshop that took place in early December of last year. Major steps have been accomplished in the layout of Future SOLAS in the context of the current SOLAS scientific sponsors and the Future Earth initiative. A document describing the next phase of SOLAS is well underway, an advanced draft is expected to be ready in late spring/early summer 2014.
About 25 SOLAS scientists from Swedish Institutions met at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences in Stockholm. Three SOLAS Scientific Steering Committee members and three representatives of Swedish funding agencies joined them to discuss on how to enhance the engagement of Swedish researchers in SOLAS, in particular in the context of the Future Earth initiative. The participants successfully established a matrix mapping Swedish capacity in relation to the SOLAS broad scientific scope and a list of current members of the Swedish network. They are currently working on providing a complete annual report to SOLAS and setting up collaborations. They also discussed options about having such a workshop annually. This successful workshop was initiated, organised and supported by the Swedish Secretariat for Environmental Earth System Sciences (SSEESS).
Conveners: Roland von Glasow and Eric Saltzman
Co-sponsored by IGAC
The workshop agenda including the list of invited scientists and speakers can be downloaded here.