Practical workshops

Find your practical leaders here.

Air-sea flux measurements
Practical leaders: Tom Bell and Mingxi Yang
You will conduct a field experiment to directly measure the vertical transport of carbon dioxide, heat and water vapor over a grassland using the eddy covariance technique. With the appropriate instrumentation and setup, this technique can also be applied to measure other scalar fluxes (e.g. trace gases and aerosols) and in other environments (e.g. open ocean, sea ice). You will observe how changes in surface conditions and winds influence the fluxes. You will take part in a discussion of the additional considerations of making flux measurements on a ship.

Practical leaders: Maurice Levasseur and Didier Voisin
In the laboratory you will use microscopes to explore the wide range of marine particles from large organic aggregates to tiny phytoplankton. You will also identify some phytoplankton and zooplankton species. The results from the cruise will be analysed and synthesised into a coherent picture of the coastal sea's biogeochemistry. In addition, incubation experiments will be conducted to test hypotheses related to the control of primary production and dimethylsuflide (DMS) production in the Mediterranean Sea. During these incubations experiments, measurements of carbon dioxide and oxygen concentrations will be used to monitor the changes in biological productivity.

Practical leaders: Laurent Bopp and Anoop Mahajan
At the first part of the modeling practical you will work on a simple model that helps understanding climate response to physical and chemical changes. Following that you will practice biogeochemical modeling using the PISCES model, or atmospheric modeling using a KPP based box model.

Oral and written communication
Practical leaders: Véronique Garçon and Eric Saltzman
The oral and communication workshop will explain the basics of making a successful presentation. You will make a short presentation of your work to a small group and then discuss your strengths and weaknesses. The importance of body language will be discussed and tips on using PowerPoint will be provided. This will prepare you for a later presentation of your work to the whole School during your five minute presentations. The written communication workshop will involve a group discussion on the techniques for producing a successful poster, using your own poster as an example (see 'Student Duty' webpage). Strategies for efficient scientific writing will also be discussed.

Remote Sensing
Practical leaders: Ilan Koren and Yoav Lehahn
In the remote sensing practical you will experience the analysis of satellite data using a web-based research tool. You will characterize spatial and temporal variability patterns in various oceanic and atmospheric parameters, and will be required to explain observed relationships between different fields.

Research Cruise
Practical leaders: Cécile Guieu and Aurélien Paulmier
You will spend half a day aboard the French research vessel Tethys II, which is supported by the French National Commission of the Coastal Fleet (CNFC). Find out more about Thethys II here. We will cruise until a sampling station in the center of the Ajaccio Bay. You will participate to the following work on board:
  • A cast down to 500 m using a Rosette with 12 Niskin bottles: you will collect water samples from different depths and explore the profiles given by several sensors (Conductivity Temperature Depth (CTD) + Oxygen + fluorescence + nitrate). You will analyse on board the discrete samples for dissolved oxygen. You will interpret these data to understand the basic physico-chemicals characteristics of the different layers of the column water and the associated water masses.
  • Deployment of zooplankton and phytoplankton net hauls over a given depth interval (150 m to surface): you will collect samples to observe the diversity and abundance of plankton collected thanks to different mesh size nets.
  • In situ pumping of large volume of water using a Mac Lane pump (within the deep chlorophyll maximum): you will qualitatively observe the samples collected in terms of filter colour, as well as of type and amount of material retained on the filter at that specific depth.
  • Measurements of the Atmospheric Optical Depth, regularly during the cruise, with the goal to relate the data obtained with the meteorological data collected on board.
This practical will give you an idea of the practicalities of making basic measurements at sea. Find your lecturers and practical leaders here.

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                                                                                                                               Photo credit


Friday 27th - Sunday 29th July
07:30 Practical block 1 Practical leaders
09:30 Break  
10:00 Practical block 2 Practical leaders
12:00 Lunch  
14:30 Practical block 3 Practical leaders
16:30 Break  
17:00 Practical block 4 Practical leaders
19:00 End  

- last update July 2018 -

