Poster presentations

Poster requirements and recommendations:
  • Poster dimensions up to 4 x 8 feet (120 x 240 cm).
  • The presentation must cover the material as cited in the abstract.
  • Place the title prominently at the top of the poster board to allow viewers to identify your research.
  • Highlight the authors’ names and contact information in case the viewer is interested in more information.
  • Paragraph and figure captions should be at least in a 24-point font (0.9 cm height) and headers at least in a 36-point font (1.2 cm height).
  • Include the background of your research followed by results and conclusions.
  • Please do not laminate your poster to ensure that it can be recycled.

Poster setup and removal:
  • Check-in: All poster presenters should set up their posters on Wednesday, 14 March between 8:00 - 8:45 A.M.
  • Posters must remain up for the entire day.
  • Presenters should be available on Wednesday, 14 March.
  • Materials (i.e. pins) are available.
  • All posters MUST be removed by 9:00 P.M. on Wednesday, 14 March. Posters remaining after this time will be removed and recycled.


Oral presentations

  • Check-in: All speakers are required to submit their oral presentations. This can be done each daybetween 8:00 - 8:45 A.M. in the main meeting room.
  • Oral presentations are scheduled to take 20 minutes, which should include 5 minutes for discussion and changeover to the next speaker.
  • Presentations can be reviewed again to be certain the fonts etc. are displayed correctly.
  • Be considerate of other speakers and the audience by staying within your allotted time.
  • Please discuss the material as reported in your submitted and approved abstract.

- last update March 2018 -

