Paper from the SOLAS sponsored GESAMP WG38 workshop on the impact of ocean acidification on marine sources of key climate-active trace gases

Hopkins et al. 2020


A paper entitled ‘The impacts of ocean acidification on marine trace gases and the implications for atmospheric chemistry and climate’, from the SOLAS sponsored GESAMP WG38 workshop on ‘The impact of ocean acidification on fluxes of non-CO2 climate active species’ published.

This article reviews current understanding on the impact of ocean acidification (OA) on marine sources of key climate-active trace gases (dimethyl sulfide (DMS), nitrous oxide, ammonia and halocarbons), and discusses climate stressors (ocean warming and deoxygenation) on trace gas fluxes in OA-sensitive regions. To unravel the biological mechanisms responsible for trace gas production, the authors also propose both long term laboratory and field measurements to facilitate model capabilities and trace fluxes predictions.

Reference: Hopkins, F. E., Suntharalingam, P., Gehlen, M., et al. (2020), The impacts of ocean acidification on marine trace gases and the implications for atmospheric chemistry and climate. Proc. R. Soc. A, 476, 20190769

Read and download the publication here:

For more details on the workshop, read the SOLAS Event Report here:

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