Remote Sensing journal special issue on "Remote Sensing of Air-Sea Fluxes"

Souza et al. 2021


The idea of this special issue grew from the SOLAS session at the European Space Agency (ESA) Living Planet Symposium 2019. It attracted 8 papers focused on the development of regional and global fields of turbulent air-sea interactions using satellite data. Currently there are no satellites that can take measurements of all the components of the turbulent fluxes, and this requires combining data from multiple satellites that take non-simultaneous measurements of the necessary variables, often with very dissimilar spatial resolution. In some cases, the additional variables are derived from reanalysis datasets. Nevertheless, the derived fields are valuable and used in many applications and studies. Included in the special issue is a paper by Gentemann et al. introducing a new type of satellite hyperspectral microwave radiometer, currently under evaluation by the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), that would take measurements from which all the components of the turbulent heat and moisture can be derived. Thus far the papers have attracted nearly 8000 views, and 15 citations.

Details of the special issue and access to the papers is at:

Reference: Souza, R., Pezzi, L., Swart, S., et al. (2021). Air-Sea Interactions over Eddies in the Brazil-Malvinas Confluence. Remote Sens. 2021, 13(7), 1335.

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