Theme 4 team
Team leaders
Jurgita Ovadnevaite (Ireland,
Team members
Ocean sources of atmospheric primary and secondary aerosol and subsequent atmospheric processing. Also shown are aerosols direct and indirect radiative impacts.
Research questions
Priorities - Methodology & Tools
Planned activities
Current national and international programs investigating marine ecosystems, aerosols, and clouds include the "Polar-Change: aerosol emissions from polar changing environments", oceanographic cruise near Antarctica, "MAP-IO Marion Dufresne Atmospheric Program Indian Ocean" - continuous atmospheric and oceanic measurements on board the R/V Marion Dufresne, "Atmospheric Composition and Radiative forcing changes due to UN International Ship Emissions regulations" (ACRUISE), the programme on "The Great Barrier Reef as a significant source of climatically relevant aerosol particles”, “Sea2Cloud: Are marine microorganisms influencing clouds?", "Shipping Emissions in the Arctic and North Atlantic Atmosphere" (SEANA), and "the North Atlantic Aerosols and Marine Ecosystems Study" (NAAMES). Information on planned observational programs and workshops can be found via the respective programme websites:
A workshop on Interconnections between aerosols, clouds, and marine ecosystems in contrasting environments, held in Rome, November 2018 brought together representatives of 10+ large European and International projects aiming to improving our understanding of the connection between ocean and aerosols and ultimately clouds. To maintain the momentum from that workshop, share their findings and improve communications as the different programs evolve, we will explore different options to strengthen the links between these programs (online exchanges, special session during conferences (AGU, EGU), workshops, etc.).
- Engage with the marine aerosol and cloud community during:
Joint SOLAS-CNAA special session at the 21st ICNAA Conference, Brisbane, Australia, 2023. Deadline for abstract submission 3rd February 2023.
EGU SOLAS/GESAMP session AS2.6 "Air-sea Chemical Fluxes: Impacts on Biogeochemistry and Climate" April 23-28, 2023, Vienna. Deadline for abstract submission January 10th, 2023
- SOLAS related SCOR working groups:
SCOR Working Group 163: Coupling of ocean-ice-atmosphere processes: from sea-Ice biogeochemistry to aerosols and Clouds (CIce2Clouds).
SCOR Working Group 166: Developing resources for the study of Methylated Sulfur compound cycling PROcesses in the ocean (DMS-PRO).