Ocean Decade Actions

Decade Actions - taking the form of programmes, projects, activities or contributions - will be implemented throughout the Ocean Decade to create collectively 'the Ocean We Want' and help achieve the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and related global policy frameworks.

SOLAS is a partner of the following endorsed Ocean Decade Actions.

Coastal-SOS - Coastal Zones Under Intensifying Human Activities and Changing Climate: A Regional Programme Integrating Science, Management and Society to Support Ocean Sustainability

Lead institution: Xiamen University, China

With 2 billion people relying on its resources, the East Asian seas have nourished rapid economic growth during past decades, which has unfortunately occurred at the expense of ocean health.

This initiative articulates a novel approach of cross-sectoral partnership in designing, conducting and delivering “the science we need for the ocean we want”. Through interdisciplinary research, we propose to examine the trajectories of six model East Asian coastal ecosystems over the past 50 years and predict their future (30-year) direction. The initiative enables effective integration of science, governance, and society to fundamentally change the business-as-usual development model of the coastal zone.

This project is hosted by the Ocean Decade programme Ocean Cities, an international network of cities in harmony with the marine environment.

Start Date: 01/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2030

Contact: Minhan Dai (mdai@xmu.edu.cn)

Ocean Decade website here

Global ONCE - Global Ocean Negative Carbon Emission

Lead institution: Xiamen University, China

The ocean has the potential to store globally significant amounts of carbon dioxide (CO2), but approaches to enhance carbon sequestration require development and evaluation. Global-ONCE will undertake and facilitate the science required to evaluate and implement eco-technological interventions, including learning from paleo-oceanic carbon processes to predict the future, restoring impacted marine ecosystems, fostering nature-based systems of land-sea integrated management, upwelling manipulation, microbial-driven comprehensive carbon sequestration, adjustment of nutrients, dissovled oxygen (DO) and pH.

Global-ONCE will 1) develop an international network of field stations and research facilities, 2) co-design interdisciplinary collaborative research, 3) develop an evaluation framework for mitigation and adaptation approaches, 4) co-ordinate capacity building and 5) facilitate equitable policy, governance and societal understanding.

Start Date: 01/01/2022
End Date: 31/12/2030

Contact: Nianzhi Jiao (jiao@xmu.edu.cn)

Website: here

GOOD - Global Ocean Oxygen Decade

Lead institution: GEOMAR Helmholtz Centre for Ocean Research Kiel, on behalf of the Global Ocean Oxygen Network (GO2NE)

Oxygen dissolved in seawater supports the largest ecosystems on the planet. It is alarming that the ocean is losing oxygen, termed ocean deoxygenation, at a rapid rate, primarily due to global warming by anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, and pollution by nutrients and organic wastes particularly in coastal waters.

GOOD will raise global awareness about ocean deoxygenation, provide knowledge for action and develop mitigation and adaptation strategies and solutions to ensure continued provision of ecosystem services, and minimize impacts on the ocean economy through local, regional, and global efforts, including transdisciplinary research, innovative outreach, and ocean education and literacy.

Download the Ocean Decade Action Factsheet here.

Contact: Andreas Oschlies (aoschlies@geomar.de)

Website: https://ioc.unesco.org/global-ocean-oxygen-decade-good

OARS - Ocean Acidification Research for Sustainability

Lead institution: Plymouth Marine Laboratory – United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK), University of Washington – United States of America (USA) and Intergovernmental Oceanographic Commission of UNESCO, IOC/UNESCO – France

OARS will foster the development of the science of ocean acidification including the impacts on marine life and sustainability of marine ecosystems in estuarine-coastal-open ocean environments.

The programme will address the SDG target 14.3 'Minimize and address the impacts of ocean acidification (OA), including through enhanced scientific cooperation at all levels'. Key components include:

1. Enhancing regional collaborative efforts,
2. Coordination of capacity building in science,
3. Co-design and implement observation and research to address the threat of ocean acidification, and
4. Communication and delivery of the outputs to policy makers and communities.

Start Date: 30/06/2021
End Date: 31/12/2030

Contacts: Kirsten Isensee (k.isensee@unesco.org) and Amy Kenworthy (ake@pml.ac.uk)

Website: https://www.goa-on.org/oars/overview.php

OASIS - Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy

Lead programme: SCOR Working Group #162 - Developing an Observing Air-Sea Interactions Strategy (OASIS)

Air-sea exchanges of energy, moisture, and gases drive and modulate the Earth's weather and climate, influencing life, including our own.

These air-sea interactions fuel the hydrological cycle and affect precipitation across the globe. Air-sea interactions affect the distribution of carbon dioxide between the atmosphere and ocean, how seawater flows and winds blow, and how pollutants floating on the ocean surface move – information critical to policymakers, industry, and civil society. OASIS will provide observational-based knowledge to fundamentally improve weather, climate and ocean prediction, promote healthy oceans, the blue economy, and sustainable food and energy.

Download the Ocean Decade Action Factsheet here.

Contacts: Meredith.Kurz@noaa.gov and info@airseaobs.org

Website: https://airseaobs.org/

OSF - Ocean to Climate Seamless Forecasting system

Lead institution: First Institute of Oceanography (FIO), Ministry of Natural Resources, China

The goal of the OSF programme is to dramatically improve our forecasting capability for the ocean and climate.

OSF builds on very recent observational and computational breakthroughs. During its implementation, satellites will be launched, new-generation drifting buoys will be deployed, transformative theories on air-sea interactions will be formulated, and a seamless ocean-to-climate forecasting system will be developed. The overarching goals of OSF are to (1) understand the ocean-climate nexus, (2) enhance observation capabilities using novel technologies, (3) integrate observations with cutting-edge ocean-to-climate models, (4) provide public services and products through developing a multi-hazard early warning system, and (5) exchange advanced knowledge and theories on ocean science and ocean management with the young generation, especially to those in Small Island Developing States (SIDS), least developed countries (LDCs) and land-locked developing countries (LLDCs).

Start date: 01/06/2022
End date: 31/12/2030

Lead Contact: Fangli Qiao (qiaofl@fio.org.cn)

Ocean Decade website:                                                            https://www.oceandecade.org/actions/ocean-to-climate-seamless-forecasting-system/

